
Privacy Policy

Who we are

Llandarcy Park Ltd, Llandarcy Academy of Sport and we are the Data Controller/Processor for the facility. As a data processor we are legally required to process your personal information fairly and in a transparent manner. We are owned by NPT Group of College’s and our head office is Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Neath, SA10 7RF.

Marketing Privacy Policy

As per article 21 of the GDPR, you may at any time change how we communicate with you, update the information we hold, withdraw your consent and request for your data to be deleted. As a registered Data Controller/Processor, Llandarcy Academy of Sport will only process your personal data/information in accordance with the GDPR you can find further information at https://ico.org.uk All staff are fully trained and hold current certificates regarding GDPR.

As a registered Data Controller/Processor, Llandarcy Academy of Sport will only process your personal data/information in accordance with the GDPR you can find further information at https://ico.org.uk All staff are fully trained and hold current certificates regarding GDPR.

Does Llandarcy Academy of Sport have a Data Protection Officer?


Mr Wyn Evans
Managing Director
Llandarcy Park Ltd
Academy of Sport
SA10 6JD

Protecting your privacy

Customer’s data is stored utilising the latest Secure Server Technology to ensure that all personal and transactional information is protected to the highest standards, with data encryption applied to all databases, each location has perimeter security with CCTV footage. Access is strictly controlled.

Llandarcy Park staff only access customers data in the execution of specific duties i.e. support to customer enquiries, Database Administrator to conduct administration tasks in line with the maintenance of the database. Note all staff whose role mean they access data have undergone background checks before receiving such access.

Legal obligation: An organisation may process an individual’s data if there is a legal obligation to do so. For example where a company is required to maintain accounting records, or provide information to HMRC, this will be subject to legal obligation.

Does Llandarcy share data with third parties?

Llandarcy Park Ltd only shares data with third parties to provide services contracted with our customers and with the approval of our customers

Website Administrator – marketing if subscribed and information that you provide us for the purpose of our newsletters.

Data Processor – Legend Leisure Services to process integral services provided to you such as membership direct debits, accounts.

Technogym – Information provided by you for training programmes, training plans and training goals

Please note, we will never opt you into anything by default, we will make every effort to tailor our marketing communication to your requirements and interests we will not advertise goods and services of any third party companies.

How you provide consent

Opt in for our for marketing emails

Ticking marketing consent box on our event forms

Contacting the site directly by speaking to customer services, phone 01639 648680 or email contact@llandarcysport.co.uk

What information do we collect?

Name, email, address, telephone number, interests in terms of marketing, how you heard about us, bank details, interests in terms of services provided by Llandarcy Park Ltd, emergency contact details, gender, age.

International Data transfer

Llandarcy Park Ltd does not store data outside of the EEA

Right of Access

An individual may request a copy of all personal data held by Llandarcy Park Ltd, information will be provided within 30 days.

If you would like to know what personal information we hold about you, or would like us to correct the details we hold for you, you should either write to Llandarcy Park Ltd, Academy of Sport, Llandarcy, Neath, SA10 6JD, email catherine.matthews@llandarcysport.co.uk, we will run security measures before providing information held.

Right to be forgotten

There are a number of other rights afforded to individuals. These include a right to reflection if data is incorrect, a right to erasure of data, a right to have data restricted (so it is not actively used) and a right to object how data is used. There are also rights in relation to automated decision making and rights of portability in some circumstances. Not all of these will be relevant. Note, an individual cannot use the right to be forgotten to remove all their data if they have debt, have a lifetime ban from the facility or if they are in a disciplinary process.

Llandarcy Park Ltd’s customer database has a redaction process which the process redacts personal data from a members record but keeps the usage and transaction information for management reports.

How long do we keep information if I opt in?

We keep the information that you provide for as long as we need to in line with the reason the information was collected.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy at any time, it is reviewed annually and any such changes will be posted on our website, if you continue to use our services after we have changed this Privacy Policy the updated version will apply.


When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device, for example computer or mobile device, these include small files known as cookies. They cannot be used to identify you personally.

Your right to complain

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. However if you are not happy with how we collect or process your information, please contact hannah.lake@llandarcysport.co.uk or you can contact the Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at ico.org.uk.

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